1. Find a recent (since June 2013) article pointing to a problem that Publius anticipated. (You may search newspapers at news.google.com.) Explain how The Federalist sheds light on the story. In this instance, is the political system working as the Founders hoped?
2. Identify a significant claim by Tocqueville that was either incorrect from the start or no longer applies to the United States.
3. Here are some current proposed amendments to the United States Constitution. Pick one, weigh the arguments for and against, and explain your position.
- SJ Res 3: setting congressional term limits
- SJ Res 4: defining citizenship
- SJ Res 19: allowing greater regulation of campaign finance
- SJ Res 20: requiring a balanced budget
- HJ Res 40: defining the rights of crime victims
- HR Res 52: regarding constitutional conventions
- HJ Res 54: respecting the use of foreign law in US courts
- Whichever essay you choose, do research to document your claims. Do not write from the top of your head.
- Essays should be typed, stapled, double-spaced, and no more than three pages long. I will not read past the third page.
- Put your name on a cover sheet. Do not identify yourself on the text pages.
- Cite your sources with endnotes, which should be in a standard style (e.g., Turabian or Chicago Manual of Style). Endnote pages do not count against the page limit.
- Watch your spelling, grammar, diction, and punctuation. Errors will count against you.
- Turn in essays via Sakai by the start of class, Wednesday, September 25. Late essays will drop a gradepoint for one day’s lateness, a full letter grade after that. I will grant no extensions except for illness or emergency.
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