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During the semester, I shall post course material and students will comment on it. Students are also free to comment on any aspect of American politics, either current or historical. There are only two major limitations: no coarse language, and no derogatory comments about people at the Claremont Colleges. This blog is on the open Internet, so post nothing that you would not want a potential employer to see. Syllabus:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Social Identities and Politics - First Transgendered Mayor

We have discussed the importance of social identities for politicians. For example, being an atheist is political suicide and in New York a blended ethnic background is desirable.

Polls suggest that large percentages of Americans still refuse to vote for a homosexual, atheist, or Muslim candidate for President, no matter how qualified that candidate is for the presidency.

The election of Obama showed that race no longer needs to be an absolute barrier for aspiring African American politicians. However, in a small town in Oregon, another miracle has happened. Stu Rasmussen was elected the mayor of Silverton, becoming the first transgendered mayor in the U.S.

Huffington Post article

Side Note - To the best of my knowledge Mayor Rasmussen is gender-nonconforming and not transgender. Transgender is often used as an umbrella term, which would include gender nonconforming. However, transgender, as it strictly means, refers to someone who identifies with a gender that is the opposite of their biological sex. To my knowledge, Stu identifies with neither gender, which falls under the classification of gender nonconforming and not transgender.

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