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During the semester, I shall post course material and students will comment on it. Students are also free to comment on any aspect of American politics, either current or historical. There are only two major limitations: no coarse language, and no derogatory comments about people at the Claremont Colleges. This blog is on the open Internet, so post nothing that you would not want a potential employer to see. Syllabus:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Romney Doesn't Really Heart Huckabee

We talked in class about increasing attacks on Huckabee due to his lead in the Iowa polls. Here's a Romney ad attacking Huckabee on immigration. Huckabee also released a new ad emphasizing his tough stance on immigration. Each wants to prove that he is the authentic conservative. I think that it's interesting that they both emphasize their conservatism instead of their candidacy for the Republican party. Perhaps they do this because of the negative associations that many Americans have with the Republican party and the Bush administration. Do you think that these ads are effective? Will the Democrats also create more attack ads against each other as primaries near?

1 comment:

Mike Whatley said...

I admit (and most of you probably know) that I am strong Romney supporter, so maybe I am a little biased on this subject. However, I have yet to see a Huckabee ad that impresses me at all. Sure the Chuck Norris ad was funny, but did it really tell you anything? This immigration ad has Huckabee claiming that he will be tough on border security, but does he give any evidence to support his claims? No, because he can't. Romney's ad provides actual evidence, based on his record as governor, that he would be tough on border security. Now I know that one of the goals of most political ads is to say almost nothing substantive and instead fill the ad with wonderful glittering generalities, and I admit that some of Romney's ads have this same problem, but at least in this ad Romney has some evidence and proof that he will actually do what he says. I realize that Huckabee's ads probably do have some impact on voters who simply listen for buzz words like "tough on immigration" but I do find it kind of sad that ads like that actually work at all.